TextFiled in cocos2d-x 3.0 with background image, text alignement and color-shadow controls

I need a input text filed with:

  1. background image
  2. text aligned to center
  3. text color, shadow and shadow color options

But I cannot find and appropriate one. I have investigated and found:

  • cocos2d::extension::EditBox which has 1, but 2 and 3 are missing as I understand
  • cocos2d::TextFieldTTF
  • ui::UICCTextField
  • ui::TextField

The latest 3 ones don’t have 2 and 3 and also are not easy to use in terms of getting input.

cocos2d::Label seams to hove what I want (I can use a sprite for background), but it is not for input. What solution suggests cocos2d-x?

Please advice what to use. I am really confused. This is very simple thing and it is not easy to achieve with cocos2d-x at all. Very strange.