YUYE's tutorials' plans list(UpDate in 24th March 2014)

Hey, guys! Here is my plan list for tutorials. I’ll finish these tutorials in 2weeks.

  1. how to make a Isomatric tile map game in cocos2d-x

2,how to upload a image to facebook in cocos2d-x.

3, how to upload a game to google play.

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I am waiting :slight_smile:

Just like angry bird…how to select a level from game levels in sqlite db, complete the game, save the score and unlock next level

@winipcfg so your question is how to use the sqlite db

@Solidux thanx for

@yuye wrote:

@winipcfg so your question is how to use the sqlite db

My question is a tutorial for handling game level selection.
Next question is how to protect save data as sqlite is in plaintext.

@winipcfg ok I got it. I’ll put it to my plan list next time

@yuye I would like a tutorial showing how to load and position assets targeting multiple resolutions, specifically for Android devices.

I would like to know a good way of scaling so assets are positioned relatively similar for all devices.

I am using Tiled with design resolution of 320 x 480, but am struggling to position assets in my game due to scaling issues. The assets are scaled but tiles are not next to each other. Especially if scaling of assets are in fractions due to device resolution.
Scaling for iOS is simple. For iPhone 5 devices it is just offsetting position of assets.

Any help for calculating scale so assets are positioned correctly (relatively) for all multiple resolutions would be much appreciated.

I have tried using Resolution policies but that only stretches the graphics (EXACT_FIT) or leaves black spaces horizontally or vertically.