Possibly spot a bug in using MenuItemToggle with MenuItemSprite as an item [alpha version 2 code]

I use the following code to create a MenuItemToggle with MenuItemSprite as its item.

var paintIconNormal = cc.Sprite.createWithSpriteFrame(cc.SpriteFrameCache.sharedSpriteFrameCache().spriteFrameByName("paintIconNormal.png")); var paintIconHover = cc.Sprite.createWithSpriteFrame(cc.SpriteFrameCache.sharedSpriteFrameCache().spriteFrameByName("paintIconHover.png")); var paintIconMenuItemNormal = cc.MenuItemSprite.create(paintIconNormal, null, null, this, this._dummy); var paintIconMenuItemHover = cc.MenuItemSprite.create(paintIconHover, null, null, this, this._dummy); var paintIconToggle = cc.MenuItemToggle.create(this, this._togglePaintMode, paintIconMenuItemNormal, paintIconMenuItemHover); paintIconToggle.setPosition(cc.ccp(103, 446)); this._menu.addChild(paintIconToggle);

Note two lines creating MenuItemSprite object that I need to specify all parameters til the callback function in order to make it work. If I didn’t do this, the error of exceeding stack calls will be generated.
I tested it and found out that _dummy function can be never exist in a real program, just a plain name reference there, if even it exist it never get called.

I’m not sure whether this is a bug or not, but I report you guys as such.
