Possible to tile an animated sprite?

I have an animating sprite that is working but what if I want it to tile along my sprite? For instance if I have a character sprite that animates, I want to be able to scale the sprite 2x wide and see the character 2 times on the sprite, each would be on the same animation frame. What I have below just stretches the one copy of the animating texture, does not repeat it.

CCTexture2D *aimTexture = CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->addImage("player.png");

int frameSize = aimTexture->getContentSize().height;

// manually add frames to the frame cache
CCSpriteFrame *frame0 = CCSpriteFrame::frameWithTexture( aimTexture, CCRectMake( frameSize*0, 0, frameSize, frameSize ) );
CCSpriteFrame *frame1 = CCSpriteFrame::frameWithTexture( aimTexture, CCRectMake( frameSize*1, 0, frameSize, frameSize ) );
CCSpriteFrame *frame2 = CCSpriteFrame::frameWithTexture( aimTexture, CCRectMake( frameSize*2, 0, frameSize, frameSize ) );
CCSpriteFrame *frame3 = CCSpriteFrame::frameWithTexture( aimTexture, CCRectMake( frameSize*3, 0, frameSize, frameSize ) );

// Animation using Sprite BatchNode
CCSprite* sprite = CCSprite::spriteWithSpriteFrame(frame0);
sprite->ScaleX( 2.0f );
sprite->setPosition( ccp( SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0f, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2.0f ) );

// Make repeat - doesn't work?

// create animation
CCMutableArray *animFrames = new CCMutableArray(4);

// animate the texture
CCAnimation* animation = CCAnimation::animationWithFrames( animFrames, 0.05f );
CCAnimate* animate = CCAnimate::actionWithAnimation( animation );
CCActionInterval* repeat = CCRepeatForever::actionWithAction( animate );
sprite->runAction( repeat );


Does anyone have any info on this? Still having trouble. Another example would be to make a moving dotted line using only an image of a single dot moving from left to right. I can’t seem to tile the animated sprite using one sprite.


Guessing this is impossible from this gist of the thread here: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/forum/topic/13742

Your best bet is to just stick two copies of the sprites on the same batchnode.