Porting old code to new (old iterator and "touch>view()")

I found some code with deprecated CCMutableArrayIterator,but can’t to port to CCARRAY_FOREACH. Make some updates, but it is not enough

    CCArray::CCMutableArrayIterator it;
    if(__pEnemies && __pEnemies->count() > 0)
        for(it = __pEnemies->begin(); it != __pEnemies->end(); it++)
            Enemy* pEnemy = *it;
                CCRect enemyRect = pEnemy->getRect();
                CCRect shipRect = __pShip->getRect();
                bool collision = CCRect::CCRectIntersectsRect(shipRect, enemyRect);
                if(((CCRect::getMinX(enemyRect) < 0) && (CCRect::getMaxX(enemyRect) < 0))
                        || (collision))
                    // Enemy object is off the screen or colliding with the ship.
                        // Enemy object is colliding with the ship.
                        theEnd = true;

    if(pObjectsToRemove->count() > 0)
        CCArray::CCMutableArrayIterator it;
        for(it = pObjectsToRemove->begin(); it != pObjectsToRemove->end(); it++)
            Enemy* pObjectToRemove = *it;

How to port this?

And one more. There’s some CCTouch events troubles:

CCPoint position = touch->locationInView(touch->view());

It return “Error: class”cocos2d::CCTouch" not include “view” member".
Didn’t find any references for that _view()_. What is it?

CCTouch::view() is removed, it is not needed.
