Porting Cocos2d to Cocos2d-X

We are currently in the process of porting a Cocos2D [objective C] to a Coocs2D-X [C++]. We are thinking of writing a utility that converts Objective C code to C++ code. I would like to ask if such a utility is possible ? When the developers of cocos2d-X framework ported the code from objective C , did they use any utility or did they translate it line by line ?

Kind Regards,
Kular Gualib

from my experience from none games language X to language Y converting tools .
it can be done but its not 100% not even 80-70%
BUT its do save work latter to do manual 30-40% converting .
but from my knowledge cocos2d-x and cocos2d(objc) it is really easy conversion so i don’t know is
the afford to build such tool is really will pay for itself .