PluginInMobi placement id problem


I’m using PluginInMobi and other ad plugins with SdkboxAds. Yesterday, I updated the sdkbox plugins from to I was successfully initializing the plugins with SdkboxAds::init method and receiving test ads from InMobi before the update but now I get these error lines below:

I/SdkboxAds: Initialization request for AdUnit: ‘InMobi’
E/InMobi: both banner placement id and interstitial placement id are none, at least provide one
I/SdkboxAds: InMobi = Unit 1.0

My current InMobi configuration is like that:

“InMobi”: {
“version”: 1,
“account_id”: “1234567890”,
“ads”: {
“default”: {
“type”: “interstitial”,
“id”: “0987654321”

I tried to add an interstitial_placement_id key but it did not solve the problem.
Does anyone know how to fix that problem?


thanks for reply, we will look into this issue

we will fix it in next release.

for now, please keep inmobi stay at version