Please help i have error on Xcode 6

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
“cocos2d::Application::getInstance()”, referenced from:
-[AppController application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:] in AppController.o
-[AppController applicationDidEnterBackground:] in AppController.o
-[AppController applicationWillEnterForeground:] in AppController.o
-[RootViewController didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:] in RootViewController.o
“cocos2d::GLViewImpl::convertAttrs()”, referenced from:
-[AppController application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:] in AppController.o

how did you make this project?

what happens if you use cocos new ... to make a new project? Does that compile for you?

i copy project from templates/cpp-template-default

it’s still have same error

You might want to use the Cocos app to create your project and see how it goes, unless you absolutely need to work with the source code.

if you use cocos new... and that project doesn’t compile without changing anything, something is wrong.

What version ox Xcode? and what version of Cocos2d-x?

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Thank you everyone
i use “cocos new” by your suggestion it’s work