Particle Question

My English is very poor.
sorry about that…

I have some problem with cocos2d-x particle
plz check added project.

I want to use particle in real-time.
for example, in update(ccTime dt) method…

void HelloWorld::update(ccTime dt)
   CCSize winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();

    // TEST 1 : Explosion effect every 1 second
    // it make by static function particleWithFile
    // and setIsAutoRemoveOnFinish(true)
    // so I think I don't need to release()
    // but It makes memory increase every time
    static ccTime tExplosionTime = 0.f;
    tExplosionTime += dt;
    if(tExplosionTime >= 1.f)
        tExplosionTime -= 1.f;
        CCParticleSystem *pExplosion = CCParticleSystemQuad::particleWithFile("ExplodingRing.plist");
        pExplosion->setPosition(ccp(winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2));
        this->addChild(pExplosion, 10);

    // TEST 2 : Sun effect every 0.3 second
    // It moves from (0, 0) to (200, 200) in 1 second
    // every particle saved by vector
    // and check every frame that particles reach to (200, 200)
    // and removeChild(particle, true);
    // but It make memory increase every time too.
    static ccTime tSunTime = 0.f;
    tSunTime += dt;
    if(tSunTime >= 0.3f)
        tSunTime -= 0.3f;
        CCParticleSystem *pParticleSun = CCParticleSun::node();
        pParticleSun->setPosition(ccp(0, 0));

        this->addChild(pParticleSun, 10);

                // bezierTo
        ccBezierConfig bezier;
        bezier.controlPoint_1 = ccp(50, 50);
        bezier.controlPoint_2 = ccp(100, 100);
        bezier.endPosition = ccp(200, 200);
        CCActionInterval* bezierTo = cocos2d::CCBezierTo::actionWithDuration(1.f, bezier);
    for(vector::iterator iter = vSuns.begin(); iter != vSuns.end(); iter++)
        CCParticleSystem* pCurSun = (CCParticleSystem*)*iter;
        CCPoint pt = pCurSun->getPosition();
        if(pt.x == 200 && pt.y == 200)
            this->removeChild(pCurSun, true);
            iter = vSuns.erase(iter);
            if(iter == vSuns.end())

How can I fix them?
I really want to know. (174.2 KB)

It seems… this problem only with win32.
On device… looks like no problem.