PageView has problems with Android

Hi everyone here!

Today I need your help. In my application, I use PageView and it works fine on Mac and IOS devices but have two problems with android devices.

D/cocos2d-x debug info: JS: assets/src/scene/lessons/pageViewManager.js:67:TypeError: this._pageView.setCustomScrollThreshold is not a function

D/cocos2d-x debug info: JS: assets/src/scene/lessons/pageViewManager.js:186:TypeError: this._pageView.getCurPageIndex is not a function

    this._pageView = new ccui.PageView();
    this._pageView.setContentSize(FRAMESIZE.width, FRAMESIZE.height);
    this._pageView.setPosition(FRAMESIZE.width / 2, FRAMESIZE.height / 2);
    this._pageView.setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5);
    this._pageView.addEventListener(function (sender, type) {
        self.onTurningPageEvent(sender, type);
    }, this);


onNextPage: function () {
      var currentPageIndex = this._pageView.getCurPageIndex();
     console.log("currentPageIndex" + currentPageIndex);
     this._pageView.scrollToPage(currentPageIndex + 1);

Thank you before hand.

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I am also getting the same problem.

What’s your engine version?

I used 3.10, and I downgraded to 3.9 its working fine for native android.