OpenSSL Security Alert Mail from Google Play for android apps

Hi everyone, i had develop some games using cocos2d-x 2.2.3 and publish on Google play.
Yesterday i receive an alert email from Google. Security Alert: You are using a highly vulnerable version of OpenSSL


One or more of your apps is running an outdated version of OpenSSL,
which has multiple security vulnerabilities. You should update OpenSSL
as soon as possible. For more information about the most recent security
vulnerability in OpenSSL, please see

Please note, while it’s unclear whether these specific issues affect
your application, applications with vulnerabilities that expose users to
risk of compromise may be considered “dangerous products” and subject
to removal from Google Play.


Google Play Team

My game is simple, I also integrated with admob sdk google-play-services_lib

I don’t know how to fix this issue. Does have any one had resolve this problem?

DUPLICATE of [Resolved] Security problem with OpenSSL, app can be removed on Google Play whenever

Per this thread: [Resolved] Security problem with OpenSSL, app can be removed on Google Play whenever

We are working on it. :slight_smile: