OpenSSL problem again

Hi, can you please tell me how to unlink the libcurl?
I search in network folder there’re only HttpClient.cpp, SocketIO.cpp, and WebSocket.cpp

Yep, i think we need to update iOS libcrul.a too, but it is not so urgent. We will do it when we are not so busy.

If I use (v2.2.6), will that get the updated curl libraries?

You should changed the deps version to v2-deps-5.

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@zhangxm, any ideas why I still cannot update the OpenSSL to 1.0.2g ? I did not create new cocos2dx project, I simply used the cocos2dx projects provided here to import in the Eclipse project. Is that enough to update the libcurl? Some users here had HelloCpp project with the latest version of cocos2dx. I imported that, but still get an older version of OpenSSL. I have no clue how to fix this. Some of my earlier posts show exactly what I’ve been trying to do.

Do you think I need to create new cocos2dx project and import/port the old classes in there?

@itzo I think you’d better make sure that is there any other library except libcurl depends on OpenSSL. After you make sure that, then please show us the steps you did to update libcurl.

You tell me @zhangxm for cocos2dx. Only curl, libcurl have OpenSSL in it?

Are there any other .a files that have OpenSSL besides CURL?

Yep, in cocos2d-x, only libcurl uses OpenSSL, but you may use other third-party libraries that are not ship by cocos2d-x that use OpenSSL too.

@zhangxm, Ok, is there a way to test different libs for OpenSSL? As far as I know, I can test APKs with grep “OpenSSL” but that’s too broad. I need more specific approach to test specific libs so I know exactly what is causing the issue.

I am sorry, i have not idea. I think you can search it by google.

You’re ignoring me? You’re the one who told me to remove the libcurl but
don’t tell me how to remove it. Cocos2d-x has really bad support.

With the new libcurl from git i could 3.10 easy updateing. Since more then 24 hours no warning.
Thanx for everybody.

Yap . Warning Was Removed Between 24 Hours & Before Upload New Build Check The Version Of OpenSSL 1.0.2g .


I’ve downloaded and replaced the library from 3.11 into a 3.9 project and I was able to compile with 0 issues.

When I ran che grep command via console I got

$ unzip -p Monster-debug.apk | strings | grep “OpenSSL”

And that’s it. Can somebody confirm that this means that there are no more bad libraries in the apk and it is good to go?


I don’t ignore you. As all others work correctly, i don’t know what’s your problem. I asked you what you did step by step, but you didn’t told me. It will be easier if you give more detail information.

By me is the same. No more warning.

The last reply from you to me is OpenSSL problem again
You never ask what I did.

I just want to remove the openSSL and you said to remove the libcurl but I don’t know how.
Anyway, I tried making new project using visual studio 2012 and somehow the libextensions and denshion is not in the project, thus making the project failed to build(compiling the sln in build folder works).
After that, I tried using visual studio 2015 but when I open the .sln in the build folder, the projects modules failed to load. I’ve already verified the path using the, and no errors.

I guess cocos is not ready for windows 10 yet? It was working fine in windows 7.
I’ve gave up trying to make it work, I’ll just leave the game until expiration time :frowning:

If you don’t use libcurl or network provided by cocos2d-x, i think libcurl is not linked to you application. Could you show me your

PS: This issue happened in Android, so it is nothing about VS project.

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE := cocos2dcpp_shared

LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME := libcocos2dcpp

LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hellocpp/main.cpp \
                   ../../Classes/AboutScene.cpp \
                   ../../Classes/AppDelegate.cpp \
                   ../../Classes/DialogLayer.cpp \
                   ../../Classes/DialogShoutLayer.cpp \
                   ../../Classes/GameObject.cpp \
                   ../../Classes/GameScene.cpp \
                   ../../Classes/MainMenuScene.cpp \
                   ../../Classes/OptionScene.cpp \
                   ../../Classes/SelectLanguageScene.cpp \


LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocosdenshion_static

# LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocosbuilder_static
# LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocostudio_static
# LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocos_network_static
LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocos_extension_static


$(call import-module,.)
$(call import-module,audio/android)

# $(call import-module,Box2D)
# $(call import-module,editor-support/cocosbuilder)
# $(call import-module,editor-support/spine)
# $(call import-module,editor-support/cocostudio)
# $(call import-module,network)
$(call import-module,extensions)

In Visual Studio 2012 I can compile the project but when I import to eclipse and build, it failed. That’s when I notice there’s no libextension and denshion in the project tree.

I tried building using the cocos command line but it also failed in line $(call import-module,.)

I have some questions:

  • What’s your engine version?
  • What command did you use to compile Android project?
  • What’s the error message?