Open SSL Issue on Cocos2d-x Gplay

We got a weird mail from Google Play regarding issues with open ssl integration.

Those apps were using cocos extension to perform web requests.

Both apps were created using Cocos2dx 2.2x

Please help me some one to figure out the issue and a fix

Is it possible to upgrade OpenSSL library used in Cocos2dx sdk?

Thanks in advance!

The following is the complete mail!


One or more of your apps is running an outdated version of OpenSSL, which has multiple security vulnerabilities. You should update OpenSSL as soon as possible. For more information about the most recent security vulnerability in OpenSSL, please see

Please note, while it’s unclear whether these specific issues affect your application, applications with vulnerabilities that expose users to risk of compromise may be considered “dangerous products” and subject to removal from Google Play.

Google Play Team

©2014 Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

Please go to this thread for discussion.

Cocos2dx team is working on it. Hope they could release the fix ASAP.