Open a HTML page with a link?

First of all many congratulations to all the cocos2d-x team for the fantastic job.

My question looks pretty simple but I cannot find an answer in cocos2d-x. I need to open a HTML link but I’ve been checking the reference on this webpage and i don’t find a solution. Also I have been checking in the web of cocos2d-iphone and they are using NS types that I think I cannot use at the moment in cocos2d-x.

Can anyone help me on this please?

Hello. I haven’t done this myself but I remember stumbling upon this. hope it helps

Thank you very much for your answer but I think I asked it on a wrong way.

I meant I want to open a HTML page from cocos2d-x on an iOS device, so I guess that link that you provide me wont be very useful for me.

Anyway thanks again for your answer.

I answer to myself… the solution was here (and even more)