onDisable() not playing animations

I’m Trying to make a pop-up window in my menu, so when i click on the button on right down side a new window will appear.
The way that i’m doing that is creating a menu node and deactivating at the start, then toggle the menu when you click to the button.
All works well, I have read about lifecycle and i have make some animations, like in the next gif

The way to do that is playing an animation on onActivate(). My question is how i make the same when i disable the node? when you disable a node all behavior is cancelled, i need to the node dissapairs when animation finish, how can I do that?

const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator;

export default class Scale0To1AnimationComponent extends cc.Component {

private waitTimeToPlayAnimation: number = 0;

private speedAnimation: number = 1;

private scale0To1ClipAnimation: cc.AnimationClip = null;

private animationComponent: cc.Animation = null;

onLoad() {
    this.animationComponent = this.node.addComponent(cc.Animation);
onEnable() {
onDisable() {

playAnimation(reverse: boolean = false) {
    this.scale0To1ClipAnimation.wrapMode = reverse ? cc.WrapMode.Reverse : cc.WrapMode.Default;
