[NSValue valueWithCGPoint there is no class named NSValue in cocos2d-x

NSValue valueWithCGPoint….I wanted to write in cocos2d-x……Since there is no class named NSValue in cocos2d-x….so I cannot convert ….

If you are using cocos2d-x version < 3.0 you should try class names with CC insted of NS or CG. In 99% of cases you will get ewhat you need. If you are using 3.0 then try just removing NS and CG from class names.

Hi Pawel Lopusinski,
I am using cocos2d-x 4.0.1 version of cocos2d-x .In this version there is no class named NSValue…How NSValue valueWithCGPoint….I will write in cocos2d-x…
