Not up-to-dated bindings...

Hello, everyone!

I’m completely new to cocos2d-x and just began to develop some really nice cool app with cocos2d-x JSB. But I found that jsb interfaces are not up-to-dated, so I tried to update myself but failed. :frowning:

How can I update jsb autogenerated bindings on my own dev. environment?

fyi, I tried to access cc.RemoveSelf which was added recently, and I’m working with the latest git-hub version of cocos2d-x.

I managed to run ‘’ successfully, but it doesn’t generate binding for ‘class CC_DLL RemoveSelf : public ActionInstant’.

How can I export missing classes?

Nako Sung wrote:

Hello, everyone!
I’m completely new to cocos2d-x and just began to develop some really nice cool app with cocos2d-x JSB. But I found that jsb interfaces are not up-to-dated, so I tried to update myself but failed. :frowning:
How can I update jsb autogenerated bindings on my own dev. environment?
fyi, I tried to access cc.RemoveSelf which was added recently, and I’m working with the latest git-hub version of cocos2d-x.

Nevermind! I found the ‘magic charm’ generates bindings for pre-defined exports which are described in cocos2dx*.ini

Nako Sung wrote:

Hello, everyone!
I’m completely new to cocos2d-x and just began to develop some really nice cool app with cocos2d-x JSB. But I found that jsb interfaces are not up-to-dated, so I tried to update myself but failed. :frowning:
How can I update jsb autogenerated bindings on my own dev. environment?
fyi, I tried to access cc.RemoveSelf which was added recently, and I’m working with the latest git-hub version of cocos2d-x.