[NOOBISH] [NATIVE ANDROID] Does the API level inpact game perfs?

Hey there !
I’m new on cocos creator, i built a simple game that work well on my PC, and browser, then, the building and compiling for android succed but not the launch, i rain into the crash for 5 hours, when i changed the API level from 25 to 22, the launched worked !
But as a noobie in the android world, i just was wondering if the API level inpacts game perfs ?
Thanks ! :wink:

I don’t have any clue show that API level would impact game perfs, I guess it won’t.

But the API level does impact the device compatibility. Higher API level mean lower device compatibility

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Oh thanks, so, should I compile my game with like API level 1 ? :’)

Currently, libcocos2d works with a minimum of 10 api level. More api level means also more android features.
p.e. Android webviews doesnt have getter/setters for the opacity in 10. You need 11 for it.