New event manager in Cocos2d-Html5 v3.0

Thanks! So you should update your document about the new EventManager

Thank you for noticing. @longyangxi

I will update them soon.

Hi Lu Sir


是否有 “touchDown” or “touchPress” 事件?

在 cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE 监听中.

经debug 观察 当 手指or鼠标 按下时 TouchBegan 只会执行一次,如果没有任何移动的情况下 touchMove不会被执行,手指抬起后 执行 touchEnd

我需要实现当手指按下时记录时间 超过一定时间,被按下的节点响应业务逻辑,就像在手机上拖动图标的效果.




Hi @jiwu_ma,

I think you can add a timer when the TouchBegan called, this timer is used by recording how long the TouchBegan called, if the time is greater than your setting time, you can execute your logic, and if touchMove is called, you can remove this timer.

Hopes to help

i was created a cc.MenuItemSprite.create() when i want to remove this node,how can i remove the listener manually?

Did you add the menuitemSprite to a cc.Menu object?
If you added it to cc.Menu, please use removeFromParent,

By the way, the listener is inside cc.Menu, cc.MenuItemSprite hasn’t listener.

Best regards

How can i reference any other variable from within the eventlistener , Can you please view this question :