New Cocos2d-x book has been released

Hi everyone. My Cocos2d-x book was released yesterday (March 30 2015) at Amazon.

You can acquire it through the following link:


Congrats on your book :smiley:

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Great to hear that. Congrats on the release. :smile:
I hope it would have knowledge different than existing ones.

Wow! Really nice! Gratz!

BTW Can you write something about this book? What cocos version, what topics does it cover, is there somewhere a sample maybe? :smile:

Find the book at packtpub. I am quite sure there would be some sample and see the details to look at the topics.


Unfortunately the sample on packtpub tells me nothing about how different or maybe superior it is, compared to other cocos2d-x books.
After digging through the sample, the presented information just resembles the same information, which can be found on the forum and wiki.
It would be far more helpful, if it would show some of the coding topics.