Need help with integrating chartboost( Ads ) in cocos2d-x

Hi All,

I am trying to add ChartBoost into my cocos2d-x game. I got c++ wrapper from the gitHub [[]]

It builds fine, but does not display any interstitials.Following steps I took to integrate this wrapper.

  1. I followed these steps mentioned on the github.

All the following files you need in iOS are in Chartboost-x/ios fold.

Add the previous ChartboostX.h to your Xcode project
Add CBAnalytics.h, Chartboost.h,, libChartboost.a to your Xcode project
Ensure you’re linking with the following libraries:
StoreKit.framework (weak-link)
AdSupport.framework (weak-link, needed in iOS 6)

  1. I created an App and Campaign on the ChartBoost . Downloaded the sample iOS app given by chartboost on their site , and replaced the App Id and app signature with my app’s id and signature. After running it shows me interstitials on device.

  2. Now I use same app Id and signature which I copied from my app’s details on chartboost, in above project. But it just shows a Log “about to display interstitial at location Default” . But no interstitial is shown on device. My device shows the text “Cache Interstitial” and " Show Interstitial " . on touching " Show Interstitial ", a close button comes from left side of the device, but nothing else is displayed.

Can any please help in troubleshooting it ?

PS: I am using following development tools

Xcode 5.0.2.
Latest ChartBoost Library.
Deployment target being iOS 6.1.
Base SDK being iOS 7.0.
Game Engine Cocos2d-x ( C++ ).

What did ChartBoost support say?

Hi Cory,

I asked them just 4 hours ago about integrating Chartboost with the c++ still waiting for the reply.But they quickly sorted my initial concern.

We have released SDKBOX, a new SDK for integrating ADColony, Chartboost, Vungle and Kochava. Google Anayltics and IAP coming. Here is the website.