need help in porting to windows 8

i got problem when i want to port my game to windows 8.
i follow the tutorial and clone the file from here and also i use this, but when i build in my visual studio, there are many error that say file not found…

is there someone can help me?

Which file?
Have you all dircetoríes on your includé/bin path?

i’m new in using GIT i use tortoise, i clone with this URL, but when i try to build the winrt project in Visual Studio, it’s contain many error.

Maybe downloading as zip works better?
So try button: ‘Download ZIP’

Maybe downloading as zip works better?
So try button: ‘Download ZIP’

i have try it too… but still there is errors, have you try it until success?

Compiles/Works it on Windows 8 desktop?

ya in windows 8 desktop…, maybe you have try it,

i try another way,with this link, but there is error like this image…

Thats has nothing to do with cocos2dx.
Better you ask a search machine or microsoft directly.

ou ya ok, thanks :slight_smile: