Need help debugging

Hi all,

Sometime my game in the windows phonestore appears to crash on some devices. This does not always occur but sometimes it does.

When i look in the phone developer portal i get the following information from the crash report:


I am not able te reproduce the problem on my own devices. Anybody got any suggestions what is going wrong here?

have you figured it out ?

Are you getting any users reports of crashes? This could be a crash that’s being generated as your background task is being closed out from the active list.

I was away on hilday for a while, sorry for the late reply.

I haven;t figured it out yet. Haven’t been working hard at it either last week tough. It’s still on my toto list.

@corytrese The decription you are giving appears to be the problem, however, how do i fix this? Do you know a generic solution to the issue?

Ignore those crashes. If you think the app is being closed like this while in the foreground, you may have done something naughty with memory.

In this case I strong recommend that you use Microsoft’s excellent HockyApp project and get detailed crash reporting and statistics.

The Phone Developer Portal’s crash reporting is improving, but isn’t as good as HockeyApp right now.