Need a cost estimate

Cost Estimate for a 2D Side scrolling runner game.
Best case would be with working with your own art team or people you have worked with before.
Delivery timeline 3 months.

Do ping in case you can pick up projects like these.


Any details on how you wish your game look like?

If you’re looking for an actual quote, you would need to give more details. Such as: what style, scale, monetisation strategy? Will you be handing PR yourself? Will you be providing audio/music? Will you be providing copy text and translations for localisation? Do you want to own source code or just the product produced?

From what you have said all I can do is give an idea of labor costs where I am (UK). But even these will vary greatly depending on the skill levels of individual and their experience in delivering products in such time frames.

Conservative Labor Estimate (UK):
Engineer: £2-3,000/month
Artists: £2,000-2,500/month
Testers: £1,000-1,500/month

2 Engineers for 3 months = £12-18,000
2 Artists for 3 months = £12-15,000
2 Testers for 1 month = £2-3,000

Total: £26-36,000

Hope this helps

EDIT: my maths is bad :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah :smiley: what I planned to write - if you want make everything legal from Company who develops games.