Navigating through different scenes

How are scenes working under Cocos Creator?

I’m having big troubles trying to use something else than cc.director.loadScene to start a new scene…

If I call cc.director.runScene (or pushScene), all I get is the following error message:
TypeError: this._runningScene.onEnter is not a function

I tried to add:

onEnter: function() {

into the calling and called modules, but it didn’t helped, I always get the same error message.

It looks like only loadScene is working, but runScene and push/popScene are mentioned in Cocos Creator API:

Is there any way to use runScene and push/popScene, and if yes, how?
(all the exemples I found are using loadScene, none are using runScene nor push/popScene)

If I only use loadScene to switch between scenes, what about memory management, will the scenes be stored only once in memory, even when loaded several times, or do I have to do the cleanup myself?
(any exemple welcome :wink: )

Thank you.


Let us ask @pandamicro to help us with this.

The error I was getting when calling runScene was due to the fact I called it with same parameter than loadScene (a string containing the name of the scene), while runScene and pushScene are expecting a cc.Scene parameter: my fault, sorry for that.

My problem remain: I don’t know how to initialise a cc.Scene object using one of the existing scenes I have in assets, so I’m still unable to use runScene/pushScene…

Can someone please provide examples using those functions, or any other way to manage scenes?



For v0.7.1, you can only use loadScene, pushScene / popScene are for scene in the scene graph, which should be _ccsg.Scene type. As for runScene, you must first have the cc.Scene object to be able to run it, but we haven’t provided loading scene API in cc.loader.

So in v0.7.1, please use :


The scene object will be released by garbage collection after it’s no longer used.

Additionally in v1.0, you will be able to do:

cc.loader.load('resources://res/scenes/sceneName', function (sceneAsset) {

In this API, you will control when to load your scene.

Ok, thanks for the clarification.


Im not able to find push/popScene on Cocos Creator docs. Are those functions still in the API?