[SOLVED]Name of Animation in Animation File in .plist file


auto cache = AnimationCache::getInstance();
auto animation2 = cache->getAnimation("dance_1");

This example has been picked from Cpp-Tests shipped with Cocos2d-x. Now I am scratching my head on this over an hour.But how to get name of Animation?
aSpiderWalkAnimation.zip (590 Bytes)
This is my animation file generated via cocos studio.
animations-2.zip (683 Bytes)
This contains the plist from Tests solution. Now Animations-2.zip 's plist file structure is quite different as compared to mine one. As it contains animation name, which is missing from mine.
Any help?
We need to have two spritesheets. First one can be used generated via cocos studio or Texture Packer but second has to be coded manually. Please check Animations-2.zip file.
In first we will have packed sprites and in second we will have array of animations referencing to the sprites of first sprite sheet

what tools did you use to make this .plist?

I used ShoeBox,TexturePacker and CocosStudio. None of them gave the same required result.

@slackmoehrle-Any Idea?

so I think that your animation must run on a Sprite, thinking about what you have above:


Take a look here: http://cocos2d-x.org/programmersguide/4/index.html in the Animate section.

Tried that didn’t work. I guess the main culprit is the name. As I was debugging I found out that only after

Things go bad. Before that all variables go just fine.

Sorry, I couldn’t understand the problem. Could you add more information? what is the problem with getAnimation ?

I believe he is trying to pick out the name of an animation from a .plist.

@ricardo-Issue is how to create a plist file which has animation names just like in the animations-2.zip file has?
Is this file manually created in text editor or not?
@slackmoehrle-Yes that is question

@EvilDeveloper manually. I created that file format for cocos2d-iphone a while ago with the hope of creating an editor for it, but I didn’t have the time to do it.

Thanks,so let me have the grasp of it.
So we need to two .plist files.
In first we will have packed sprites and in second we will have array of animations referencing to the sprites of first sprite sheet. Am i right?

yes, thats correct.

Thanks a ton