My First Cocos2d-x Game (Heroes of Steel RPG)

Just a note for anyone who cares — my team (Trese Brothers Games) is releasing our first Cocos2d-x based game for iPhone/Android/Win32/Mac/OUYA/MOGA/etc here in a few weeks.

I wanted to post, first to say thank you to everyone who’s helped us over the past six months, either directly or indirectly, with the development and CC2DX troubleshooting.

Secondly, just as a way of encouraging people who are getting started or are grinding away in the middle of the project — you can make it to the finish line. Cocos2d-x is crazy stable for what it is. I’m daily blown away by how good it is.

We’re using Spine, Cocos Studio, Cocos Builder, Texture Packer, Particle Designer and all the other fun tools you find under ‘Hub’

Here is a blog post with a screenshot for anyone who’s into such things: