Multitouch on HTC Desire, Nexus One etc.


It seems multitouch is not working correctly on devices with Synaptics ClearPad 2000 sensor (HTC Desire, Nexus One etc.) - not even with cocos2d-x 0.8.2.
I tried the tests with the white blocks. Holding the finger on one block, then trying to move another block with a 2nd finger will actually move the first finger.

I know the sensor on the Desire is quite poor (see here:, but multitouch IS somehow working correctly with the apps present on the device (browser, maps, htc sense etc.).

Can you please fix this?

You can turn on the debug in cocos2dx/platform/android/Cocos2dJni.cpp:


#if 0
#define  LOG_TAG    "Cocos2dJni"
#define  LOGD(...)  __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__)
#define  LOGD(...) 


#if 1
#define  LOG_TAG    "Cocos2dJni"
#define  LOGD(...)  __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__)
#define  LOGD(...) 

and looks the debug info. Send the debug message is better to analysis.

Ok, I’ll do that when I get home.