Multitouch function doesn't work

My code is as below, when I change TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE to TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE it works.

> registerInput:function () {
>         cc.log("registerInput function");
>         this.touchlistener = cc.EventListener.create({
>             event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE,
>             swallowTouches: true,
>             onTouchBegan: function(touches, event) {
>                 cc.log("Touch began");
>                 //return true so it swallow and doesnt allow other to receive touch
>                 cc.log( "Touches: " + touches.length);
>                 //swallow
>                 return true;
>             }.bind(this),
>             onTouchMoved: function(touches, event) {
>             }.bind(this),
>             onTouchEnded: function(touches, event) {
>             }.bind(this)
>         });
>         // touch input
>         cc.eventManager.addListener(this.touchlistener, this.node);

The callback for TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE are onTouchesBegan, onTouchesMoved and onTouchesEnded

As you post on Creator forum, I suppose you are using creator, in that case, we discourage any usage of EventManager itself directly, you should use event system dispatched by node instead. Here are some docs:

Thank you. I will try, but I managed to make it works:

this.touchlistener = cc.EventListener.create({
    event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE,
    onTouchesBegan: function(touches, event) {
        //cc.log("Touch began");

    onTouchesEnded: function(touches, event) {

// touch input
//_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(eventListener, this);
cc.eventManager.addListener(this.touchlistener, this.node);