Multiple p-list animation files

Doing some minor updates to an old cocos 2 project but I get stucked with an amination problem. The task is to show an animation built of 200+ images. With the limitations of size and quality I cannot squeeze all of them into the same png-file. The basic idea was to create a mp4 or something similar but as I understand it there is no support for that in this version of cocos 2d x? I would like to see an example of how to put several plist and png-files together into one animation. I have done some testing but the only result is that the last file is shown, not the others. Basically I first init 5 functions like this one, and then try to run them one after the previous

void FinalRewardSceneAnimationLayer::initFotball1Animation() {
	CCSpriteBatchNode *sprite = CCSpriteBatchNode::create("Animations/fotball-1.png");

	fotball1Animation = CCAnimation::create();

	for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) {
		CCString* filename = CCString::createWithFormat("fotball_animation000%i.png", i);

	fotball1Sprite = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("fotball_animation0001.png");
	fotball1Sprite->setPosition(ccp(650, 740));

	//	fotball1Sprite->runAction(CCAnimate::create(fotball1Animation));

Hi. If you simply want to run some animation then you can create one sprite and setTexture it on some time intervals.

And code example that can help me solve this?