Multiple andoid project in eclipse import libcocos2dx, already exists?

Hi, I’m using cocos2dx 3.9, I follower the tutorial:
The first time I jave successfully made it.
Now I’d like to make a second project but, when I try to import libcocos2dx, it says that a project with the same name already exists…
in fact I have in the project explorer:
libcocos2dx (should I see it in a subfolder of project1? however I have imported using path project1/cocos2d/platform/android/java.)
How can I have multiple project in eclipse?

Hi, I believe you are using engine source to build, and using CMD/Terminal to create new project using cocos new command. If that’s the case then you should refer your engine directory for libcocos2dx, instead of project specific libraries.
an example of my directory is like this.


this way libcocos2dx library can be added to every project created with cocos new command for Engine version 3.9. In your case project1 and project2.


Hi, I have added the lib as you explained, but all projects gives error in, I had to change projects->properies->android under library and link the lib from that folder. Is this correct? Or can I make some changes to make the project works soon after cocos new…?