Multiline text input

I want to add a feedback section for my users, and need a multiline text input for them to write into.

It looks like CCEditBox has superceded CCTextFieldTTF - is that true? Neither seem to be multiline though.

Do I have any other options? My main target is Android and so could make it launch a different activity for just that feedback page (somehow), but I wanted to keep it platform independent so I could easily go to iOS and blackberry…

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I do not know the answer, and I am interested if someone have a working solution, but here are some infos :

nik cain wrote:

It looks like CCEditBox has superceded CCTextFieldTTF - is that true? Neither seem to be multiline though.
Yes that’s true. For example, CCTextFieldTTF doesn’t seem to support switching the keyboard type, and have less features.

nik cain wrote:

Do I have any other options? My main target is Android and so could make it launch a different activity for just that feedback page (somehow), but I wanted to keep it platform independent so I could easily go to iOS and blackberry…
If that page is really important and you really need that feature, I’d advise doing a native implementation. That’s really the main option. It doesn’t seem to be very time-consuming to implement, unless your page have tons of other things. Or you could just do a custom input implementation just for that and keep the rest in cocos2d-x.

Thanks, I’ve decided to make the app launch a web browser and they can do the feedback on a web page. So avoided the problem rather than found a solution.

I used the code from this thread to do the browser launch; It worked well for me, but it looks like the code never made the main branch. Anyone know why, or whether the same functionality is elsewhere?