Multiline CCLabelTTF Bug


  1. CCLabelTTF* pLabel = CCLabelTTF::labelWithString(“To remove a gadget from the level\n\ndrag it to the edge of the screen\n\nor onto another object”, “Thonburi”, 20); //incorrect
  2. CCLabelTTF* pLabel = CCLabelTTF::labelWithString(“To remove a gadget from the level\n it to the edge of the screen\n onto another object”, “Thonburi”, 20); //correct

I made a screenshots.

It manifests itself on the device and the simulator.

Any response?

MultiLineBug.png (56.1 KB)

Thank you.
What’s your cocos2d-x version and which platform did you test?


This happens on iOS in 2.0 and 2.0.1 versions.

And Minggo can you create separate forum thread where it would place the potential bugs?
Because the general forum filled with people who do not read “Migration guides” ask not smart questions like “Unknown type name CCMutableArray”.
I think that fixing bugs is paramount to improve the engine, but such questions simply sink under the weight of questions newbies do not read FAQ and feature requests.