Multi-resolution support(since cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4)


I am developing for Android. I used this link [[]] and did all changes as suggested.

I added all images in the respective folders. I added different resources for Tablet and phone and it is working.
For example when the code can not find an image run time within its folder it is getting it from default assets folder. As I have also put default images in my project in case of any resolution mismatch. This is all working fine.

But when its come to .pvr.ccz files this mechanism is not working properly. What can be the problem?

Did you mean that you can’t select respective .pvr.ccz files? Or the .pvr.ccz file can’t be displayed?

First of all I wanted to make my .pvr.ccz files common so that regardless of device I access the same .pvr.ccz file.

I solved my problem. Actually I changed a method CCSpriteFrameCache::addSpriteFramesWithFile in library .cpp file. The problem was that system was finding .png file of the respective .pvr.ccz file.