MotionStreak component not working

I just downloaded Cocos creator and after creating the star game I decided to enhance it with a nice motionstreak!
However, after attaching the component to the character I can see no motionstreak! What could be the problem?

Thank you.

You have update it’s position manually in code. At least that what I had to do when attaching it to a physics object.

I am updating its position as shown below but still no streak. Any further ideas? Or is this not the right way?
Thank you.
this.streak = this.getComponent(cc.MotionStreak);
this.streak.setPosition = this.node.position

What I did was having two nodes. Your node that you move around and another node with the motion streak that follows the main node.

on the main node class add a ref to the node

trail: cc.MotionStreak;

and drag the motion streak node to the property in the editor.

Then again in the main node class have a lateUpdate method

lateUpdate () {
  this.trail.node.x = this.node.x;
  this.trail.node.y = this.node.y;