Missing luac files? And can I compile my lua files?

After upgrading to 3.2rc0 I am seeing error messages for all of my lua files:

For my files I get
cocos2d: cocos2d: fullPathForFilename: No file found at scripts/global.lua. Possible missing file.

Same thing for system files:
cocos2d: cocos2d: fullPathForFilename: No file found at AudioEngine.lua. Possible missing file.

Is this an error? And is it possible to compile the lua files at compile time?

It’s not a error.Because cocos2dx_lua_loader would search .luac files,if not found,it would search .lua file,so it would generate these messages.

@samuele3hu Any news on the fix?

@festival, did you use cocos IDE or cocos console?We compile the lua files to luac file by these two tools.

I used the latest Cocos console today and now is works.

But I think the byte code will not work on iPhone5s (arm64) devices?!

Because luajit didn’t support arm64,so for arm64 we use original lua. The structure of bytecode file compiled by luajit isn’t parsed by using original lua.

I don’t get it how you just use Lua fieles for arm64 and Luac files for other devices.

This would mean for iOS you just don’t use the compiled luac files.
Is this correct?

In current version, you should use no compiled lua files for arm64.