Missing LibBox2D.a

Hello I’m new to the blackberry world and wanted to make a game for the Playbook.
I tried to compile your Hello World project but I got an embarrassing error :

…/…/…/Box2D/proj.qnx/Simulator/libBox2D.a: No such file: No such file or directory TestCocos2dx C/C++ Problem

Maybe I forgot something because on my computer the Box2D/proj.qnx folder is empty so…

Do you have any idea ?

Thanks a lot ! :smiley:

Edit : Please note I’m using cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.11.0 release.

In order to see what it’d do, I tried creating the Simulator folder and adding a libBox2D.a I had on my computer (from previous projects) in it.
It does compile now but no binaries are created (so it is still not good).
Maybe, if I tried with the corresponding libBox2D.a (it is surely not the same version) it would work. Am I wrong ?
Which Box2D version is used in cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.11.0 ?

Thanks a lot.

Did you compile the box2d project successfully? Notice that you should switch the configure of all imported projects to simulator.

Well, nothing happens in qde when I click on build for it.
Anyway, all of my building configuration are turned on simulator. But Box2D is on Simulator-Debug (cannot be put on Simulator, not in the list)

I also tried to build CocosDenshion and I got 4 errors.

Description Resource Path Location Type
Package name is required. bar-descriptor.xml /CocosDenshion line 2 BlackBerry Tablet OS App Manifest Problem
Package version is required. bar-descriptor.xml /CocosDenshion line 2 BlackBerry Tablet OS App Manifest Problem
The required feature ‘Package Name’ of ‘App Descriptor’ must be set bar-descriptor.xml /CocosDenshion line 2 BlackBerry Tablet OS App Manifest Problem
Too many entry-point assets in Configuration Copy of Simulator 1; expected one. bar-descriptor.xml /CocosDenshion line 27 BlackBerry Tablet OS App Manifest Probl

For the last one, commenting the following code in the bar-descriptor.xml was working:


Edit : I modified the entire xml file to add what was missing and now it compiles well, but there still the problem caused by the missing .a file.

I don’t know what to do…


Hi, we have released a new version. Please try it by using this version.
If it still cannot work, please tell me. Thanks.