Minimal implementation for text input?

Hi, I took a look at “TextInputTest.js”, but it seems that a lot of base coding is neccessary in order to get the text input field working?

Is there no easier way? I mean, shouldn’t all that code be encapsulated into a propper class and make it as easy as creating a label? Am I missing something?

PS: I also took a look at “UITextFieldTest.js”, but all the CocoStudio-related tests seem to require a lot of boilerplate code as well. A minimal implementation example would really be apprecciated.

Yes, I agree with you. but we have no time to do it. please create an issue to our issue system.

David wrote:

Yes, I agree with you. but we have no time to do it. please create an issue to our issue system.


Thanks, I’ll keep looking in other sources and if I fail to come up with something I’ll create an issue.

Update: well, I seem to have found what I was looking for in “samples\tests\ExtensionsTest\EditBoxTest\EditBoxTest.js”. It’s a shame to have to load extensions just for adding that functionality, but oh well.

PS: also, there is no info in the online documentation about this classes, althoght there is jsdoc information in “CCEditBox.js”.