Make changes in libcocos2d code

If I want to make changes in libcocos2d code, what I need to do?

I tried to do this, added a couple of logs via CCLOG(""), rebuilded libcocos2d after that cleaned android-studio project (removed folder /app/obj/local/), rebuilded cocos2d project by command “cocos compile -p android --android-studio”. And after all this steps my changes still has no effects, logs still not appears. What I am doing wrong?

if making release build it deleting CCLOG, otherwise nothing facny - just change cpp files.

Are you using prebuilt libraries? if yes u should do a cocos gen-libs -p android. If its not that, where are u trying to see that log?

I’m making debug build.

I’ll try It, thanks. I’m trying to see that log at logcat.

The reason was in changing wron file. I changed HttpClient.cpp, but need to change HttpClient-android.cpp.