Make a game like a worm

I want to make a game like a worm, but I do not know
what should i learn, i search on google and search for automatic geometry from chipmunk machine, but automatic geometry is not in cocos2dx 3.15 then i download chipmunk machine form and search for automatic geometry class . . . But the class uses the c-purpose code, what should be learned to make a game like a worm? Anyone give me any suggestions or anything else


I’m sorry. It’s my fault., sorry


I don’t know what you mean about making a game like a worm.


You don’t need anything but Cocos2d-x to do this. Use the built in Physics engine and probably PolygonSprite

I will actually give you a +1 here.

Forgive me

this is a video example of what i mean … … i got that code but it use autogeometry class and objective-c syntax , i dont know about objective-c, what should i do? any suggest for me?

If you don’t know objective-C, how are you going to use the code?

Anyway, just start using Cocos2d- or some other engine to get started. Making games is 90% you being an individual and 10% your tools.

  • 5% maths LOL

perhaps :slight_smile:

thanks for your reply. for now i’m using c++ for my game , for my problem i think i will use DragonBones to create polygon sprite , i see CCautoPollygon in cocos2dx but i don’t know how to get vertices of sprite pollygon… for create physics polygon with box2d , i’m sorry my english is bad

Perhaps this will help: