[MAC] How do I get CCTextFieldTTF get input from keyboard ?

I’ve got my App almost fully running on Mac (and on Linux, iOS, QNX, Win32…. great framework !). On Mac I can’t get the input fields to function properly (they don’t funtion at all). How can I enable keyboard input in CCTextFieldTTF in Mac ?

Solved it. Change keyDown in EAGLView.cpp to:

  • (void)keyDown:(NSEvent )theEvent
    #if 0
    theEventCharacters = [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];

if ([theEventCharacters length] > 0)
unichar theChar = [theEventCharacters characterAtIndex:0];

if ( ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) && (theChar NSF1FunctionKey) ) {


    } else if ( ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) && (theChar NSF2FunctionKey) ) {


} else if (theChar NSDeleteFunctionKey || theChar 127) { // 127 is the backspace code
} else {
char typedChar = [theEventCharacters characterAtIndex:0];
cocos2d::CCIMEDispatcher::sharedDispatcher()->dispatchInsertText(&typedChar, 1);

// DISPATCH_EVENT(theEvent, _cmd);

// pass the event along to the next responder (like your NSWindow subclass)
// [super keyDown:theEvent];