Luajit arm64 support on iOS

How are you today?

We developed cocos2d-x game using lua script language.
Now I am stuck in arm64 support in iOS version.
We are using cocos2d-x 3.3 for develop game.

I update /external/lua/luajit to new updated 3rd party-library

An also updated cocos2d-x console.
I compile lua script to this command.

cocos luacompile -s ./src -d ./dest --bytecode-64 -e --encryptkey=***

and I update my Xcode project /external/lua/luajit to new updated 3rd-party library

and copy luajit compiled source code to src directory.
Xcode project build setting is arm64 only.

I build my Xcode project, it is build success.
But when run app, it shows below errors.

> [LUA ERROR] load "src/main.luac", error: syntax error during pre-compilation.

We definitely use luajit, because of security.

Can someone provide some help on this?

Thank you
Best Regards

Do you have issue if using lua source instead of luajit?