Local Multiplayer in Cocos2dx

I am trying to find a way to implement P2P multiplayer betweeen devices, without the need for a server. Problem is, I need a way to do it between any platform (iOS, Android, Windows Phone).

What would be the best approach? Would libwebsockets be able to do this? If not, what could?

Thanks in advance

Im interested about this topic.
I found a bluetooth plugin based on cocos2d-x 3.1.

The readme is in Japanese.

From my research, it seems like for p2p LAN, we would need TCP/IP to handle the communication on the network level. One would need to do a broadcast signal while the rest listen for the broadcast. I believe thats the layman terms to establish a connection within local LAN.

With regards to the technology to use for it, it seems like either SocketIO or Websockets is able. Both are included in Cocos2d-x 3.x.

It seems there are interested parties previously.
Im not sure what the result of it.