Loading binary file in native

hi all
in my game i load levels data from a file levels.bin (the bin file is optimized by size)
i add downloader for it using cc.loader.addLoadHandlers({'bin': ()=>...})
this works great when building for web
but when i try in simulator or native the custom handler receives the data object content as null
i am doing the loading via
let url = cc.url.raw("resources/levels.bin");
cc.loader.load(url, this.onLevelsLoaded.bind(this))

same happens if i try to use cc.loader.loadRes
if i convert my file to txt file it works fine -> but i realy needs this to be a binary file. FYI (this works great in cocos2dx 3.* with loadBinarySync method)

if i dont use a custom loaders at all and just use loadRes i get an error :
Simulator:Download text failed: E:/CocosCreatorTests/MapLab/assets/resources/levels.bin