Loading Audio from Resources folder

I’m trying to build a game to android, ios and desktop. The issue I’m having is that ios uses dom audio and android uses web audio (or the other way round not important). If I use the wrong type of audio file on an OS the sound simply won’t play. To get round this issue I’m trying to load the audio files from the resources folder as its possible to set whether it uses web audio or dom audio during load as described at the bottom of http://docs.cocos2d-x.org/creator/manual/en/asset-workflow/audio-asset.html

Currently I’ve got this code:

    public static AddAudioSource(file : string, node : cc.Node)
        file = "resources/Sound/" + file + ".mp3";
        cc.loader.load(file, this.LoadAudio.bind(null, node));

In my callback this function returns an HTMLAudioElement as the second parameter.

 private static LoadAudio = (node : cc.Node, error, sound : HTMLAudioElement) => 
        console.log("load", sound);

How can I turn this element into a audio clip or similar for use on a component? Or perhaps is there another way to get the sound to work cross platform?

Followup post with some other things that I’ve tried.
I’ve tried using the cc.loader.loadRes function but that still returns an HTMLAudioElement despite telling it I’m expecting a cc.AudioClip.
I’ve tried duplicating all my audio files in order to have a web audio version and a dom audio version for each audio file. Unfortunately that led to the game scene being unable to be opened in ios due to it not knowing what to do with the web audio files. It did give sound on android but its not great if sound only works on one platform.

Any suggestions from the devs for the intended functionality? @slackmoehrle @jare


What version of Creator is being used?

Version 2.0.5.

I’m currently trying to use this code:

 cc.loader.loadRes(file, cc.AudioClip, this.LoadAudio.bind(null, node))


private static LoadAudio = (node : cc.Node, error, sound : cc.AudioClip) => 
    //do stuff

Do you have any suggestions on what I could do to get it working on both platforms?