Linux version cannot exit at all

There is a bug in 2.6.2 version of glfw that stops the app from exiting cleanly, I have upgraded to 2.7.2 where the bug is fixed.

But saying that, in the cocos2d-x code, there code is missing to exit the app when closing the window anyway, I added this to my version of CCEGLView_linux.cpp:

int windowCloseEventHandle(void) {


  return GL_TRUE;

bool CCEGLView::Create(const char* pTitle, int iPixelWidth, int iPixelHeight, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iDepth) {

                //register the glfw mouse pos event

                glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(windowCloseEventHandle); // <- New call here

This will close the window on request (correct), but this still isn’t letting the application exit to shell.

What am I missing?


As well as the above code, we need the following to make sure the application exits under Linux:

int CCApplication::run()
    //for (;;) {
    while (CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getOpenGLView() != NULL) {

Change the for loop line to the while loop, otherwise run() will run forever and never exit.
