libcocos2dx Find

I had cocos2dx 3.1 with ndk-r9d
I upgraded to 3.2 but I find this log

Could not find libcocos2dx.apk!
I had this with cocos3.1.1.
I link this old libcocos2dx.apk and works.

but I want to use the libcocos2x3.2. lib,
How Can I generate this new library?
Where Can I find it?
I use eclipse IDE

I have this warning
missing sentinel in function call [-Wsentinel]
jni/…/…/Classes/HelloWorldScene.cpp:47:45: warning: missing sentinel in function call [-Wsentinel]
Does it affect my projects?

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I have the same issue trying to build my android project on mac using
Cocos2dx version 3.2, ndk-r9d
It throws so many warnings but no error and does not create the .apk file!

yes, but not exactly

i got a similar warning.
i replaced the NULL by nullptr and the error disappears.

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we configure cocos2dx 3.2 with eclips and it build successfully but at run time i got…
[2014-08-28 12:18:52 - testproject] Android Launch!
[2014-08-28 12:18:52 - testproject] adb is running normally.
[2014-08-28 12:18:52 - testproject] Performing org.cocos2dx.cpp.AppActivity activity launch
[2014-08-28 12:18:53 - testproject] Automatic Target Mode: using device ‘6ff7ba1f’
[2014-08-28 12:18:53 - testproject] Uploading testproject.apk onto device ‘6ff7ba1f’
[2014-08-28 12:19:03 - testproject] Installing testproject.apk…
[2014-08-28 12:19:06 - testproject] Success!
[2014-08-28 12:19:06 - libcocos2dx] Could not find libcocos2dx.apk!
[2014-08-28 12:19:06 - libControllerManualAdapter] Could not find libControllerManualAdapter.apk!
[2014-08-28 12:19:06 - testproject] Starting activity org.cocos2dx.cpp.AppActivity on device 6ff7ba1f
[2014-08-28 12:19:06 - testproject] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=com.digeebird.testproject/org.cocos2dx.cpp.AppActivity }

Now how i resolve that .

do you have the libcocos2d in your project… !!

or are your cocos2dx library properly set… ??
i think there may be some linking issue… or most probably… your project has no library reference or some file is deleted…

you’ve used a fresh copy of cocos2d-x 3.2 right… ??
i hope you’ve not upgraded to this version from a older one…

thank you pabitra . I got the solution .

@sharma_arpit what’s the solution. I have the same issue also. please, I would be glad if you give step by step details.

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I second that - @sharma_arpit please share the solution!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Post the line of the warning. It means, that you did not Null-terminate the parameter list:
It affects your projects on 64bit systems.

He probably solved it by adding/linking the missing libs to your app/game project.

please check your module path and file in jni.