Lexical or Preprocessor issue

Hi everyone, I’m using Cocos2d-x 2.1.4 and Xcode 4.6.3, I’m creating project from Xcode templates and when trying to compile I’m getting “Lexical or Preprocessor issue” error on CCDataVisitor.h. It says string file not found on the line 29. #include

Do you have any idea?

Did you fix this maybe? I have the same problem, even after updating to version 2.1.5 :frowning:

Yes, I’m using “creator.py” file to create multiplatform project instead of xcode template. You can check this out from the link

Thanks, but I managed to solve it already in other way:)
It occurred I was including an Obj-C Class (.h and .m file), which somehow produced that error in Cocos2D. I guess it has to do with the automatic recognition of language by Xcode during compiling. After I renamed the .m file extension to .mm the error went away. So you might want to check if you have such case in your project.