Let's play with Cocos2d-JS v3.1!

Hi, all,

It has been one month and a half since the big release of Cocos2d-JS v3.0, it was the first stable version of Cocos2d-JS and we are collecting great feed backs from our community. There are many developers who told us they love the changes from Cocos2d-html5 v2.x to Cocos2d-JS v3.0. Many new developers are excited by the ability to cross native and web platforms. More and more companies joined our community and start their adventure with Cocos2d-JS, there are already some successful stories like DeNA’s “Transforms Rising”, EA’s “2014 FIFA World Cup”, Big Fish’s “Big Fish Casino”, Line’s “Line Wukong”, etc. And there will be more and more to come.

But most of all, we are receiving many feature requests, bug reports and suggestions from the community. In response to your support, today, we are happy to announce the release of Cocos2d-JS v3.1 ! It brings many bug fixes and new features, Facebook Integration for Cocos2d-JS and the new renderer for web engine are the most important ones.

Facebook Integration for Cocos2d-JS have brought a huge opportunity for game developers who want to integrate Facebook functionality into their games. With a single code base, they can release fully cross-platform games across Web, iOS and Android.

The new renderer offers a great performance boost for web games, it have increased the performance by almost 50%. We have finished the architecture level refactorization, the optimization coming soon will make it even better.

A brief introduction of Cocos2d-JS

Cocos2d-JS is Cocos2d-x engine’s JavaScript version that includes Cocos2d-html5 and Cocos2d-x JavaScript Bindings. It equips your game with cross-browser and cross-platform abilities, accompanied by full Cocos2d-x features and simplified JavaScript friendly APIs.

Cocos2d-JS reinvented workflows for all platforms, it provides a consistent development experience for whichever platform you want to distribute to, no matter web and native. “Code once, run everywhere” is incredibly easy and natural in Cocos2d-JS. This will bring your game great opportunities in almost all channels of distribution.

Furthermore, JavaScript friendly APIs make your game development experience a breeze - easy to code, test and distribute. In the meantime, Cocos2d-JS is super powerful along with all these cool new features: Editors Support, Assets Manager, Object Pool, JS to Objective-C/JAVA reflection, etc.


  • Released Facebook Integration for Cocos2d-JS v1.0, its APIs have been significantly polished and stabilized. Improved test cases for Facebook with more features demonstrated. Refer to the API reference document for more details.
  • Refactorization of the web engine with new renderer architecture, the new renderer has brought a great performance boost on Web engine.
  • Upgraded Cocos2d-x to v3.3rc0.
  • Supported Cocos Studio v2.0 including Timeline animation support and proto buffers format support for both web engine and JSB engine.
  • Automatically enabled WebGL on iOS 8 safari, the performance is incredibly enhanced compare to Canvas render mode.


  • Cross platforms developers can use Cocos Console to create projects, boost their development with web version engine and deploy games onto all native platforms and all browsers with Cocos Console.

  • Casual web game developers can download the Lite Version and start to develop just like using other web frameworks (e.g. jQuery).


For JSB build, there are some restrictions :

  • [Android build] NDK version must be r9d
  • [iOS build] Xcode version must be 5.1.1 +
  • [Web code obfuscation] JRE or JDK version must be 1.6 or 1.7


More information

Read more about all the features and bug fixes

Upgrade your project from previous versions

If you want to upgrade your game based on v3.0 previous version to the 3.1 version, you should follow these steps:

  1. Download the Cocos2d-JS v3.1 package.
  2. Upgrade cocos command with setup.py.
  3. Create a new project with cocos new command.
  4. Replace the “src”, “res”, “index.html”, “project.json”, “main.js” etc with your old project.
  5. Then you may need to refer to the upgrade guide to solve some API change issues.

About Cocos2d family

  • Cocos2d-JS v3.1 uses Cocos2d-x v3.3rc0 as base of JSB solution
  • Cocos2d-JS v3.1 is compatible with Cocos Code IDE v1.0
  • Cocos2d-JS v3.1 is compatible with Cocos Studio v1.2 - v2.0

With any problems you might have, our communities are happy to help:

Get ready, let’s play with Cocos2d-JS !


Why NDK r9d? Anyway we can’t find the official download links for older versions anymore, so can you provide the links here, if we have to use r9d but not higher?

The official link for Win - https://dl.google.com/android/ndk/android-ndk-r9d-windows-x86.zip

And there is a link for Mac - Cant find NDK r9d download anymore

I added also the windows 64 bit version here.

Android SDK:https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
Windows 32bit:http://dl.google.com/android/ndk/android-ndk-r9d-windows-x86.zip
Windows 64bit:http://dl.google.com/android/ndk/android-ndk-r9d-windows-x86_64.zip

And the reason that we support only r9d is here : http://cocos2d-x.org/news/307

Good job !

Cocos2d-JS is great for cross platform!
Well done for the new update!