Label's opacity setting issue in CC2.0

Hello everyone:

Currently, I occurred an issue with label’s opacity setting.

label.node.opacity = 0;

Then, I run the simulator, I saw the label totally…

Event if I changed the node’s opacity = 0 in the editor, and I can see the affect. But when I run the simulator, I also can see it. And I testing set sprite.node.opacity = 0, it work fine.

I searched around, and nobody occur the same issue…

Does someone can tell me the right way to change the label’s opacity.

label.node.opacity = 0;

Then, I run the simulator, I saw the label totally…

Event if I changed the node’s opacity = 0 in the editor, and I can see the affect. But when I run the simulator, I also can see it. And I testing set sprite.node.opacity = 0, it work fine.

Code is absolutely fine. It works fine with browser publish. I guess there is problem with simulator or i dont know if we are missing something to include for simulator. @jare if you could help on this for us.


It was fixed in v2.0.1. Which version are you using?

There is something wrong with the simulator in CC 2.0.1. Try the following:

  • create a node and set it’s opacity to 128,
  • create a sub node with a label.

The label is half transparent in the editor, but if you run it in the simulator, it is fully opaque. If you run it in a browser, it’s OK. Try to set the opacity of the node to 0, the label should be invisible. It is visible in the simulator.

Furthermore, the edge of the system font look very strange in the simulator.

I used v2.0.0. I’ll update the engine and test it again. Thanks

It’s still broken in 2.0.2 if you use Sytem Font.

Can you upload a demo?

You can use the Hello World project and change the opacity of the label. Already this does not work. Also at an build Windows Version the opacity is ignored.
On MacOS it works on simulator and on build version.

The result is clearly visible. The opacity of the label is 32, you can see it in the editor. But it seems to have 255 in the simulator. I use Windows 10, latest version.

Best regards,

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Issue confirmed, we will fix in 2.0. Thanks!

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In CC 2.0.5 it is not yet fixed… :frowning:

Sorry, it was fixed in 2.1. We should cherry pick to 2.0.6, thanks.

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Thanks for taking the time to fix this one :slight_smile:

Just to remind you, it is not yet fixed in 2.0.6.

We inserted a new minor version as 2.0.6 last month. The 2.0.6 mentioned above renamed to 2.0.7.

I’ve just tested it and it works! Many thanks! :slight_smile: